There currently are two casinos in Las Vegas that have red caps. I think before the year is out there could be additional casinos that carry red caps. In Las Vegas will there be
1) 0-1casinos that will add red caps this year
2) 2-3 casinos that will add red caps this year
3) 4 or more casinos that will add red caps this year
The entrants who are in the majority will be eliminated. The 2nd and 3rd place guesses will go on to the next round.
I will ask for an answer
Send your answer in an email and not to be posted on this board.
No emails accepted after 24 hours of this writing.
Any additional rules will be posted later.
Good Luck
Of course as any contest that I have if there is any disputes my decision will be final. Don't enter if you do not agree to these terms.