Gabe to Gabby - Ha
I use 2" & 3" notebook binders with 9 slot baseball card ultrapro plastic sheets.. they work just fine and you can store about 60 to 70 strikes per book.. to keep strikes from falling out I use black plastic electical tape, cuz it'll come back off when you need to rearrange strikes. cut the tape 1" longer than needed and fold in on itself to make a tab type handle at one end. You run the tape from left to right on the sheet sealing the strikes in their individual pockets. The top row is the hardest to seal but with carefull alignment it is easily accomplished by folding the tape over and onto the backside of the sheet.. Most electrical tapes are 3/4" wide, but I've found 1" wide at my dollar store and it gives better coverage and is softer/pliable- works great.. all my strikes are viewable/ front and back - also in alphabetical order and you just shift the sheets back as the collection grows adding new sheets anywhere as needed..