Ya, like I said, only a theory.
Interesting replies, especially Norm's (you guys figure out which Norm?)
I think I'm collecting reindeer, because they will be harder to get in a year. I think I'm saving Santa's because they have a perceived higher value. Hey guess what, that makes all of them collectible!
Both right.
So does(?) anyone remember the toilet paper shortage of the 70's? Something about a rumor / joke on the Tonight Show, of a shortage, so people stocked up. As a result the shelves started looking like less was around, so people bought even more. By the cases and cartfulls. Soon there was and honest toilet paper shortage because of hoarding.
I keep forgetting that being an old furt means some of the historical stuff I remember, was before you young whipper snapper's were around. (and I don't even know what a whipper or a snapper is...)
Do you know what move this image is from? (and yes it is an actual 35mm frame from the movie)