I personally much prefer seeing what BOTH sides. Of what I am bidding or possibally buying. Especially when in silverstrikes SMALL differences in a strike. Can make such a BIG difference, in deciding if I need the strike or not. And describing the strike in the auction. A lot of the time doesn't tell everything needed. Especially by someone not to knowledgeable about strikes. E-mailing the a question doesn't necessaryly help eather.
This only one of several BAD problems Jackpot has. They have a horrible, after the sale payment payment page/system. As far as I am concerned. There is NO simple, 1 page way for a buyer to pass on the necessary information to the seller,(or vicea versa) like e-bay has. Usually the buyer/seller is regulated to e-mailing back and forth and back and forth. For getting the necessary information.
Jackpot still has a long way to go.