Jeff: Very interesting and informative posts. Thanks for sharing your information with the rest of us.
I'm someone who doesn't know you, and if you don't mind would appreciate it if you would let us know what your gaming background is.
On another message board (and a totally different subject) there was recently a seemingly endless series of messages concerning copyrights. A few posts were questions, but by far the most were authoritative sounding declarations of fact.
One post often contradicted the next. If any message was ever from a patent or copyright attorney (or any established expert), he never identified himself. As a consequence, one had to surmise that most posts on that message board were just personal opinions.
My suspicion is that an explanation of your background would lend added authority to your messages.
I don't want to be rude or challenge you in any way. If this post is an invasion of your privacy, then just ignore my request.
Thanks, Roger Bryant