James - If it looks like a rat and smells like a rat it is a rat. As to bidder gemme123, the person registered a couple of minutes before placing the bid on the item you mention, the same bidder also a minute or so later bid on Ebay item #6123670524 which is the same strike that closes this afternoon, his bid was the same on both and is still the high bidder on the one that closes today.
As far as if this is shill bidding it depends on how you look at it, Ebay would say maybe but there are two different sellers, I would think it is a person who might have some of the same strikes to sell and wants to keep the price high so as to make a nice profit on their strikes, at any rate if the bidder is bidding to just drive up the price it would seem they lost the game as it would appear nobody is going to try to out bid this person on the second one and this will leave the person buying two strikes with a high inflated price.
Would be interesting to check both the sellers and the bidder for feedback in a week or so, might also be interesting to see what the sellers have to say as far as if the bidder did pay for them. If this was a case of shill bidding it would seem the sellers will relist the strikes at a later date.
I guess the last option could be the person just wanted the two strikes but I really dought it.