Hi All
As an airport screener myself I can tell you that Clay chips DO look like explosives when viewed with the xray equipment. Chips in tubes, in racks, or books still look like explosives and WILL be hand checked. Silver Strikes & Slot Tokens show up as black blobs and ARE also hand checked to determined just exactly what they are or what maybe lurking behind them. Please try and be a little relaxed when you approch the check point, we are only doing our job, making it as safe for you the fly, cruise, or ?. I persolally do not mind being checked everytime I pass through the check point.
Most of us that are screeners at airports are paid poorly (aprox$6.50/hr) but this doesn't mean we do not do a good job. We have all taken a lot of flack from the media of late. We were tested almost daily by the FAA and the airlines just to keep us on our toes. Before 911, we allowed (by FAA rules)all the items that are now being denided. If it lookes like it might be an explosive device, it is treated as if it is, until it has been inspected personally.