Hi Dennis...
I understand from your post why it would appear that the Silver Strikers might benefit from their own Convention. One thing that I think has been overlooked is that while 25% of the tables are held by Silver Strike members many of them derive most of their show income from chips. Obviously a few of the people you listed (yourself included) have almost 100% strikes.
I guess the questions to be asked is if the Silver Strikers had their own Convention would the dealers that derive most of their income from chips particpate?
The other consideration is the CCGTCC Convention is very small by LV standards and if we weren't spending $15,000+ on food and booking 1000+ room nights the bourse floor would cost us a fortune. The cost for a smaller Convention could be prohibitive.
Obviously the CCGTCC does not want to see the Silver Strikers not particpate at the annual Convention. I ask you to keep in mind the only change with the dissolution of the Chapters was that you can no longer say you are affiliated. You are still getting meeting space, still getting a table on the floor to promote the Club and all the normal benefits.
Dennis, you and I have had some long chats and the only reson I felt a need to address your post was to point out a few things that may have been overlooked. I look forward to seeing you in about two weeks. BTW - You ommitted another Silver Strike member that has a table....ME !
See you in LV