There are 107 tables assigned numbers. Six are allocated to the CC>CC. One unnumbered table has been reserved for the Silver Strikers Club. Of the 101 remaining tables, a few have been split between two persons and some people have reserved two tables.
Here is a list of our striker group members who have reserved tables:
Michael Spinetti #15 and #26
Ron Minsberg #30 (corner table)
Dennis Finn #32
Jack Haddock #37
James Gaan #42
Dave Ruffell #44 (shared with Lynn Brooks)
Howard Herz (Gaming Archeology) #48
Janice and Jerry O'Neal #57
Mark and Myrna Lighterman #62
Ed Hoffman #63 (shared with Howard Kaplan)
Linda Zacchi #64
Skip Harouff # 73
Richard Nelson (The Money Company) #85
Tami and DJ Mills (Jackpot Auctions) #89 and 90
Norman Clem #91 and 92
Doug Jacob #93
Peter Van der Kar and Lloyd Malani #95
Tiny Treasures #96 and 97
Bill Cohenour #98
Wes Rasmussen #99
Kevin Sipes #100
My deepest apologies for anyone I have omitted.
In addition to these fine tableholders, there will be many other tables with strikes. Look around, there are many fine strikes to fill out your collections.
Final note. Of the 101 tables, it looks like silver strikers have 25 or so, rather high percentage for a group that used to be a chapter of the CC>CC. Is there enough for our own smaller convention sometime? We should consider lots of options for the future at our business meeting at the convention. This is a great opportunity to redefine ourselves and chart out the course of our future. Anyone with suggestions or thoughts should start posting here to get some lively discussion before we all sit passively in a room late at night waiting for the auction.