I have had many packages received with small slits on the side and ss missing, and people who have bought from me, email about this very thing....I am actually making a claim tomorrow at my PO for just this reason....maybe we as buyers should directly ask the sellers to package in a way a coin cannot just be slit out of the pkg....Between cardboard maybe would be an answer, along with the normal bubble wrap...and by asking the seller to do so and explaining why may just be the answer to stop some of the items being stolen......it is not that hard to put 2 pieces or any cardboard together with tape and make it large enough for it not to be so obvious there is a coin in that package!!!! Or make sure you have insurance and then have to go thru all the crap of waiting 30 days if lost.....but claim can be sent in right away for something like this.....my postmaster said it is common due to a sorting machine that tears them???? if you can believe that!!!!! So YES I think this is common with the PO......