From your message: "...pleaded guilty to three counts of wire fraud and four counts of mail fraud for making shill bids."
So you are claiming that there's no law against shill bidding, but someone just was charged and pleaded guilty to four counts of a crime that doesn't exist?
Can you explain this contradiction.
I can explain but my question is, are you willing to understand?
Here we go, once again. They had fake paintings and they forged documents that they sold on eBay (mail and wire fraud). They also made up phony addresses, phone numbers and usernames to use for shill bidding. These were the tools they used to commit their crime. The phony addresses and phone numbers would come under the mail and wire fraud acts since they were fraudulent and used to sell fake items.
I don�t think phone numbers, mailing addresses, usernames and shill bidding by themselves is mail and wire fraud no more than I think guns are illegal because some have been used to commit crimes.
There are a lot of legitimate items that can be used to commit crimes and murder but you must remember that it does not make those items illegal. If you can acknowledge this it should make it easier to interpret the cases that you read.