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The Strike Point Archive 01

Re: Profit and Loss
In Response To: Profit and Loss ()

The time frame will determine "PROFIT OR LOSS." This is something that is done in business on a quarterly and annual basis.

Mark stated, "I'm not a CPA but in all of the accounting courses I've taken (both undergraduate and graduate) I've never heard of the concept that "Profit or Loss" is somehow related to a period of time. Something is profitable or it is not . . . how time determines whether something is profitable or not doesn't make sense."

Evidently that is why you are an employee and never owned your own business because time does determine whether it is PROFITABLE to continue on with any phase of a business! If the business or that phase is not showing a profit over a period of time, or if the profit is not to the percentage that is needed, then you eliminate that part or phase!

Mark said, "Win per Day" is a term used in the gaming industry to measure the performance of slot machines. But if something is profitable (the numerator is positive) no matter how many days are taken into account it will still be positive (the denominator doesn't matter). This is fourth grade math.

I am very aware of what the term "Win per Day" means. If you show a "PROFIT" one day and a loss for the next 6 days then you are in a "LOSS" situation, and this Mark, is done on a �PROFIT or LOSS� quarterly or annual statement (PERIOD OF TIME). And this my friend is learned in business, �Not in fourth grade math!�

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Thanks Mark!
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