I thinks its time to remember what a great time we all had at the Silver Strike Tournament, four days with lots of hugs, smiles, laughs and strikes for all who were there. The tournament was full of true silver strike collectors, everyone had a great time, we also had a great time trading strikes to make sure everyone had the right ones for the $40 strikes and also a complete set of $10 for their collection. Everyone helped each other out and had a good time doing it. Our trade session was super and the tournament was lots of laughs too. We were also blessed to have Pam Corry's Grandmother spend some time with us and it was great seeing her smile as she watched the tournament session being played.
There is nothing better than playing for your stikes and being with other strikers for all the extra memories to go with it.
Maybe our board should be working on doing things for all of us and not just one person. This tournament should be ground work for our board to understand where the true striker is and what they want. This tournament gave us as a group a lot of comradority (sp?) that I haven't seen since I met Gary and Carol Heinz when Jamie and I first started collecting. Our favorite memories are playing for strikes, being with other strikers, telling stories, getting to them and winning the coins, its sure not last year convention nor standing in lines and missing the banquet and trade session.
I really hope we can learn from the past and make some good choices for the future.