If you are want to complain about the Palms in June at the Convention, start with the incoming Chapter officer who met with the slot director and persuaded him to fill the machines early. I heard about the change from other collectors by word of mouth and was fifth on the waiting list. I waited for about three and a half hours to get my turn. The machines had no waiting early (about 2 AM, I was told) the following morning. By 6 or 7, the waiting game was back on. How did the early fill deprive anyone of anything? There were still only 750 of each blue cap for us all. When there are three machines and 200 people wanting to play, patience is required because there is bound to be long waiting periods.
The true complaint that should be aired about the Palms during the convention period is the decision (they were again talked into) to put 20 blue caps per hopper instead of the original 10. This is what caused an artificial shortage of the blue caps. BUT WE GOT WHAT OUR OFFICER ASKED FOR, didn't we?