Jerry,I am also working on my Second,& third trip,one in April already booked,& the convention in June,& one later in the year,the fourth. It would seem, that if you have 100 of the $200s,& they leave the Casino in a Day or Two, the Casino,has only reached the usual few People who run in and pull out as many as possable to resell. I would think that the Casino would prefer to buy a larger Quanity to bring in more People to Gamble,as well as play the strike machine,for a larger duration of time . Freddie Mattouk is a smart Business Man as everyone who stayed there for the Tournament had Plenty of opportunity to play. Did not hear any complaints about not getting any of the $10s,or$40s. The Plaza,had run out of the Silver Falls,but was told another 25 were too arrive shortly to meet the demand. Norm mentioned not to rock the boat,& listed all of the Casinos who Quit the program. Since he brought to my attention that so many of the Vegas Casinos have tossed in the towel,including the Stratosphere,that he did not mention,will the hobbie survive?? The Queens has already Shut the Machine down once,& so has Park Place. Who's to say it won't happen again!! Lets hope Silver continues to rise,cause then it melt down time,it happened at the Mississippi Grand they are none redeemable..