Many collectors have just learned to wait. The prices of the $200 strikes fall almost immediately after the initial issue. Some have been soured by the frequent issue of the $200 strikes as well. Even at face value a considerable expense. The cost deters the average collector which is why so many are now passing up on the $200 strikes. Notice the trend to below $300 and some having no bids.
An interesting point was made by a friend. Common $10 strikes average about $13.00 each for resale.
This means 20 X $13.00 = $260. The common strike is worth about the same as a $200 strike.
The over abundance is not confined to the $200 strikes. More and more $10 strikes hit the market all the time. The old ones don't go away. If a collector would desire to get a large theme collection such as all strikes, all of Nevada, all of Las Vegas it would be a huge expense. My advise to new collectors is pick a reasonable theme such as all old strikes with 999 on the rim,
All strikes with cars on them, ONE strike from every casino. ONE set from every casino. A lot more rational and affordable.