I'm passing on more Tournament Information from Janel Cole:
The Flamingo will accept ALL of the Las Vegas Flamingo Millennium Series Strikes in exchange for a $200. That is they will accept both the 2000 and 2001 issues. These strikes have the 2000 and 2001 in big numerals on the logo side of the strike.
Janel has arranged for a meeting room on Saturday night for people who want to get together and exchange information, stories, trade strikes or just tell lies. If we're good there may be some finger food plus wine and beer will available. It should be a lot of fun. The room has been set up and Janel is working on the rest. Stay tuned for more about this.
Everyone who has entered the tournament will receive a free room at the Flamingo for one night. So, if two people have entered and are staying in the same room they will get the room free for two nights. This has been a point of confusion and is being cleared up as we speak. I recommend that you wait a few days and than give the Flamingo a call to ensure that it is cleared up. I had told some people I thought it could be cleared up when you check in, Janel recommend we call in in the next week or two. Use the 800 number to call, it is 800-225-4882. This is the same 800 number that is the Flamingo Players Club Card.