I don't know how many people can open Works files? It's kind of an antique from the age of DOS. The Excel version you sent me was perfect.
The reason the file was too large was all the formatting and junk that works puts in, to keep the columns and rows organized. (it's not really junk, but formatting language)
You can save from Excel in HTML format and it will display as a page, if you have anywhere to store the file on your own system. Another solution is plain old Text file?
Hope that helps a little? The version below is a plain text Save As from excel with the chips removed, but all tokens included.
4 Queens LV SS 1 200 100 "Elvira-""take a number"" release--20 for 1 swap"
Bill's Tahoe SS 1 10 Unk. Kayaking--1st release of a planned 8 different recreation designs
Casuarina LV token 4 $1 to $25 NA House tokens
Gold. Phoen. Reno token 1 25 NA House
New York LV SS 1 10 Unk. Rita Rudner-2nd Anniversary
Palms LV token 1 10 1500 2nd Anniversary-Painted
Palms LV token 1 25 500 2nd Anniversary-Painted and sparkles
Palms LV SS 1 200 Unk. All 5 branches of the service--20 for 1 swap
Palms LV SS 5 10 Unk. Army/Navy/Marines/Coast Guard/Air Force
Slots A Fun LV SS 1 10 500 Welcome to Las Vegas-2 in 50 hopper fill-Pink Capsule
Sunset Sta. Hend. token 6 5 Unk. 6 diff. designs of a Spanish Armada theme--1 released
per week-Point prom.