The strike in mention already has another bidder and this bidder doesn't seem to be a shill. I have asked Ron why he didn't post a list of his stolen strikes and have had no responce so how does anybody know which strikes are his except Vegasplayer and Ron have said so. I have stayed off a couple of strikes I would have liked to have gotton because Vegasplayer said they were Rons but know there is one I want for my collection and will most likely bid on the strike because nobody seems to beable to prove they are Rons strikes, while I am sorry Ron had his collection stolen we can't all sit back and assume certain strikes that get listed are his.
Something I asked Ron in an email I sent him was did he take the strike or strikes Vegasplayer won for him to the police dept to ask them to check to see if his finger prints were on the strike or case, the police in my town would be happy to do this if they thought they could solve a crime, another thing I asked was has anybody requested a list of the strikes this seller has for sale to see if he would sell them off ebay, if the strikes he has are all Rons I would think he would sell them as one large group, I would think there is somebody in Rons area who could do this if they had a list of what was stolen.