Attn: Have You Heard...
The Las Vegas Club is hosting a Silver Strikers Slot Tournament, there will be cash prizes and everyone who attends will be able to win a limited addition $40 strike. The $40 strike will only be available to those who enter the tournament. Entry fees are $200 per person, the tournament will be held on Jan 9, 10 and 11 with two rounds played on the 10th and the final round on the 11th. The entry fee includes 3-nights stay, welcome cocktail reception and registration tournament,,and day breakfast vouchers. There will be a Champagne and Cake Awards presentation at 2:00 PM Sunday afternoon. Entrees will be limited to 200 or 250. To sign up call Emily in VIP services at 800-634-6532 ext 2057. They are also working on setting up a trade session, new $10 strikes and possibly a new $200.
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