Regardless of the item for sale the auction rules are the same.
List price - $0.50
First bid - $100.00
Sale price (if no other bids are received) - $0.50
Second bid - $1.00
Sale price - $1.00 (if no other bids are received)
etc. etc. The $100 bid does not even show up to the seller until it becomes the high bid.
Where/how does a "five minute rule" change this (regardless of the item being sold)???
(and, if you want to take me up on my previous offer I will send you a list of the Strikes I have to list and you can select the one you want me to put up on eBay - I'd bet you a strike on the side that the final price doesn't come close to $100, but the folks around here might just bid it up to play with us...