Bill - Your imformation goes along with what I was told yesterday, the new T.I strike isn't as being stated by a greedy sellers. Its a shame people post a message that isn't true just to jump on a big profit. I do feel sorry for the few so far that have paid $50 for this new striike. I noticed yesterday that one seller was listing a 2002 Treasure Island strike on Ebay saying it was the last one to ever be issued by the Treasure Island and the same seller has one of the new 2003 Treasure Island strikes on Jackpot claiming that only 500 will be issued and only 2 or 3 to a fill which we are finding out is a big fib. I guess this seller is only looking for a large profit.
P.S. To John Sanders, I think you will read this post, I just can't wait to see how you respond saying I am supporting the greedy etc. people. Will also wait to see how you respond in the negitive.