The decrease in membership could be attributed to the economic times, the lack of Silver Strike machines, or the fact that Silver Strikes are no longer silver. None of the above, does the Club have any control over.
A club I formed over eleven years ago, The Cash Register Collectors Club has been going though a membeship decrease and having a difficult time finding members willing to serve as officers. We are not unique. One thing we did from the start on finances, is limit the amount of money any officer is allowed to spend to $300.00, without the vote of membership and no personal expenses were to be paid, such as travel, rooms or entertainment. The only exception to the $300.00 limit being our newsletter.
The Silver Strikers Club is a great Club, although I'm not happy with everthing that takes place, and have tried, in the past, to bring about change. When unhappy, work for change but support your Officers. Next time you can be an Officer and see first hand how difficult it is trying to please everyone.
The best to this years Board and see you in January at the Four Queens Tournment.
Mike Hennessey SS-498