My wife and I obtained all 32 $10 strikes that were released during the convention. Through lucky play and clever trading we managed to get them all. They include the following:
LV Club--5 Olympic series #11 to #15 and 1 blue
Plaza--7 Hawaiian Islands and 3 from other machine (Mt. Rushmore-Abe Lincoln-Spirit of Freedom) and 1 blue
El Cortez 3 American Pride (Eagle-Mt. Rushmore-Statue of Liberty) and 1 blue
Palms--3 different cars and 2 blues
NY-NY-- 3 of Baseball-basketball-football with new phrase "Historic Sports Series" and 3 of Miss Liberty-Manhattan Express-6th Anniversary with new phrase "6th Anniv. 1997 to 2003"
We also wiped out the hopper at the 4 Queens of 32 clears and both blues (Diamonds and Clubs) for only $320.