Craig,I know that you & your staff spent a lot of time getting the 1st Palms Silver Strike tournament up & running & I just want to say "THANK YOU" to you and all of your staff who helped with it.Everyone had a blast
including the Palms staff that I talked with.Maybe you had a glich or two, but I'm sure you will get that corrected
by the time the 2nd tournament rolls around next summer.You learn what needs to be done better by having the 1st one & getting feedbacks from all sides(helpers,staff,slot players,ect).My grandson & I are looking forward to playing in the 2nd Palms Tournament next summer"2010".Please get the dates set just ASAP so that all us strikers can get the dates marked off our work or vacation calendar and get our hotel & airline reservations made early.Also,I want to say that the 1/4 lb tournament strike was really nice.
Thanks !! Larry Jones SS# 709