arl - You are way off base with your post, the so who are these so called dealers who have all the machines tied up ? There are a couple of people who play alot but then they are supplying collectors who can't get to Vegas. I have sat down at a strike machine and played for 3 or 4 hours several times, does this make me a greedy dealer ? I think not.
If you can't get on a machine go to the tables at the convention with people selling strikes, last year alot of these people were selling strikes for less the most people could win them for. I know these people don't all live in Vegas so they must beable to find time to get on a machine when they are there or else they are trading other strikes for the new issues.
As I said in another post why do some collectors only whine at this time of year about dealers and love them for the good prices and supply they have the other 51 weeks of the year.