I must be getting senile in my "old" age! Here I am agreeing with Richard again ... except for his self-acclaimed "Puppet Master" title he has bestowed upon himself.
Let me see if I can get this "machine hog" tag straight in my mind. If I thoroughly enjoy playing a particular $1 Red White & Blue or a Triple Diamond $1 machine or a 9/6 video poker machine for hours on end.... nobody calls me a "machine hog" ... but on the other hand if I thoroughly enjoy playing a Silver Strike machine for hours and hours on end ... I'm painted with some kind of brush that makes me a bad guy. Seems to me if there is that much demand for the silver strike machine .. the casino ought to be smart enough to put more silver strike machines on the casino floor so that more people can play them.
If I'm winning (making money) at a particular $1 machine... there is no way in hell that I'm giving it up to someone else to make money on it. That goes for a RWB's or a silver strike machine.
As for identifying the people who are playing these machines seemingly forever ... hell, put their pictures up on the wall with all the other jackpot winners for all I care.