Those thousands of $10 strikes didn't go home with collectors. As you said, they are being hoarded by greedy speculators, or probably just the one most infamous speculator. The 4Q doesn't need to order more $10 strikes. It either needs to make the $200 strikes available to the speculator, in which case the casino will immediately be flooded with redeemed $10 strikes, or else the 4Q needs to announce they will have no more $200 strikes, in which case the greedy speculator will cash in the $10 strikes by the thousands. In either event, emergency minting more $10 strikes right now is a waste of the casino's money.
The greediest speculator and market manipulator of them all, the one who pays stooges to monopolize machines during special runs, so that ordinary collectors don't have a chance to win the strikes on their own, probably has some paid stooge parked in front of the unplugged machine right now, waiting to be first for when it to be refilled, so that even more $10 strikes can be hoarded. Just when we thought we have seen it all, this same person recently posted one of the most disgusting messages ever put on the message board.
Does greed turn people stupid? Or is it the lack of formal education that makes people greedy? Besides the stoogemeister, the worst other two parasites here, meaning the bottom feeder, and the village idiot (aka the Axis of Weasels), also have what seems to be a complete lack of education. Like many other people too lazy to go to, or stay in, school, they try spin control, and frequently pretend to be proud of their ignorance.
I hope the 4Q realizes that they are essentially only catering to the one greedy speculator and, if by some good fortune, he goes away, their whole house of cards will tumble down. There is no huge long term demand for these things, just one person's attempt at manipulating the market, which is easy to do in the short run. Don't base long term planning on short term results. The same goes for anyone silly enough to believe the stoogemeister's promises of great wealth for "investing" in $200 strikes. That house of cards can quickly tumble down, too. Look at other hobbies that greedy speculators have destroyed, including Beanie Babies, Hot Wheels, and sports cards. It can happen to silver strikes, too, especially the $200 denomination. Fall for the pathetic weasel spin control at your own risk. The Axis of Weasels are at their funniest when they say that everything they do is for the good of someone else.