I wish to express my appreciation for the use of this forum as a place where those that wish to express a "View" or an "Opinion" can do so if they are willing to become a particpant and "Take the HEAT" OR "KUDOS" whichever may be the result. Recently there was a "Circumstance" which occurred involving allegations from another person and I responded to those allegations at the time in a manner which I felt was appropriate in my way of thinking. Be that as it may! This issue is DEAD AND OVER. There were people that came forward on behalf of both parties involved and I wish to express my gratitude to all of those that took the time to say good things about me. My hat goes off to the Management of the specific site that was involved in their decision to "RE-Instate" me as an active particant for future transactions and to this I am extremely grateful. The essence of my "POSTING TODAY" is that we should all maintain a high moral principle, regardless of whatever we feel or know when something of this nature occurs, especially when those ones commenting on behalf of either party involved know the "WHOLE TRUTH" BUT ONLY FEEL ALLEGANCE TO THE INDIVIDUAL THEY HAVE KNOWN AND MADE TRANSACTIONS WITH IN THE PAST. I think it is best to just be patient and let thing works themselves out "Peacefully" without adding "Fuel to the Fire" when you don't know the facts of any case in "DISPUTE" and are only being told "One Side" by a specific party involved. I do not come to this board a spend time unless I am SEEKING some good sensible advice on a specific item which is the "Focal Point" in my mind of why it is here and not to serve as a "Whipping Post" to beat each other down with. If you see my name crop up here again, it will be for a very useful purpose to all mankind and ladykind as well! Thanks to all of you that will take the time to read what I have had to express today! Sincerely.
ps: I never got a single "Evil E-Mail" the whole time and that says a lot for all of you!
Phillip E. "Phil" Hilton, Katy, Texas aka jussus
is my User ID on J A C K P O T A U C T I O N S . C O M >>
Remember one thing! One day you may well have an opportunity to meet in person the individual you have been so eager to "Chastise" and then you can see thought you eyes and talk to that person with diginity and respect until otherwise found them to be different. ALWAYS BE ABSOLUTELY YOU ARE SURE OF ANYONE'S INTENTIONS AND OFFERS BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING THAT WOULD RESULT IN A NEGATIVE MANNER AND EXPOSE THINGS THAT COULD BE OTHERWISE DAMAGING TO EACH OTHER. Use a calm sensible approach to the problem if there is one. "Black-Eyes" eventually get back to normal but the feelings of the Heart remain hurting for a long time to come.