Hello Everyone,
The Early Bird Banquet has sold out. There will be a big crowd. Here is the list of the Strikers that will be attending the Banquet that have notified me. I have verified all of the reservations with Jim Steffner and we will be seated together as follows. I am sure there will be others that will join us for the banquet that I have not heard from. We have room for you at the forth table. Come on out and join us for some fun and lets do some trading. Look forward to seeing everyone, Don
Don T. Nesbitt, Jr. R-4244
Mary Lou Waterbury R-3262A
Clayton Waterbury R-3262
Ray Moritz R-3738
Mark Gyde R4554A
Pam Corry R4554
Doug Conley R-4430
Les Hassel R-4069
Jo Riefer R-4337
Richard Riefer
Christie Gregory R-4140A
Tony Gregory R-4140
Peter Van der Kar R-3684
Lloyd Malani R-3697
Norman Chrzanowski R-5097A
Carol Chrzanowski R-5097
James McFadden R5036
Pearl McFadden R 5036A
Frenchy Choquette R 5421
Chris Choquette R 5421A
Jamie Martin R-5271
Pam Martin R-5271A
Bill Cohenour R-5280
Sue Cohenour R-5280A
Jim Moser R-5507
Tom Moser
John Diamond R-5673
Jimmy Mahan R-1098
Edward Mahan R-0641
Pete Ryan R-5985
Brian Kinard R-5614
Richard Rosales R-5548
Other Strikers that are seated elsewhere.
Rick Andrae R-3605A
Kitty Stoops R-5359
Kevin Uliasz R-5359B
Joining us during the Trade Session
Delton Kerns R-5503
Luellen Newman R-5970