Jerry, John is a personal friend of mine. I made the statement "Hey John you can wait until Saturday afternoon and get in free!!!!

If you are unfamiliar with the little emoticon

it means it is a joke. As far as your problems with not being notified individually that the strikers can attended the "trade sessions" I can not help you, being that I am a member of the cc & gtcc I guess I just knew that I could attend as a striker! I am sure that you could find something to find fault with even if they let all the silver strikers into the convention free because they aren't going to buy chips anyway. The club is faced with a shortfall of money like everyone and everything else right now so they have had to increase the door fee. The volunteers have given up their perk of "free" admittance for their work. Everyone is going to have to give up a little to get us through these times until Obama sends us a "stimulus check". It is crap like this thread that leads me to believe I need a new hobby and probably just go into collecting chips.