The Strike Point
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The Strike Point Archive 01

Most new sellers DO NOT KNOW...
In Response To: Re: another clueless seller ()

what Silver Strike exactly are. Most people seeing their first one will come to the conclusion that they are a SOLID one piece token. Then another conlcusion is made due to the very bright yellow shiny color of the brass ring.. IT MUST BE GOLD PLATED!

These people are just being fooled by their eyes first impression (EXCEPT for that 999 Fine Silver inscription on the brass ring). Most are glad to have receive more information regarding these tokens.

Here's an auction I just e-mailled the seller about.

Here's the description...

BISON on silver $10 Gaming token

This is a Limited Edition proof $10 gaming token made of .999 silver with a gold leaf 1/4 inch in from the rim. It is from the Edgewater Casino in Laughlin Nevada. The design on one side is that of a Bison or Buffalo. The design on the other side is of the Colorado River with the Casino in the background. This is a proof strike with the mirror like quality on the fields and the design with a satin finish. This gives the token a cameo effect. This is a large token, 43 mm (1 11/16") in diameter, and contains well over an ounce of silver.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg